Same time same town same place

I arrived in Montreal on Thursday (April 14th) - a day ahead at the same town same house where I had put up last year.
Nothing seems to have changed in the past one year. Courteous and friendly people, leafless bushes and trees, snow piled up on the sidetracks that look brownish with a blend of dust and mud, same coffee shops and bakeries at the corners, lake in the park, fair view mall and the same old different counters. Even the sales girls and men in shops who are known to me are the same.
The only difference this year is that the weather is chillier than last year. Till I actually saw the calendar, I never realized how one year passed away in a jiffy. It seems my life is on a fast track compared to the life outside. I had no inkling about how fast one year has passed.
Last year when I left Montreal I had plans to come back in two months but I could manage it only after one year and that too after cancelling many plans. It was again a spur of the moment decision to fly in here.
Life doesn't work out always as planned. At least not with me. I am involved in many things that I do not want to and things that are not high on my list of priorities but I often end up doing many things at the cost of what I enjoy doing, like, for example, spending more time in this corner of the world.
ess bee


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